Saturday, 31 May 2014

Enter Key Movement / How to set Enter key Direction.

How to set Enter key direction in MS Excel? Change cursor position after pressing Enter key on Keyboard in Microsoft Excel. Change Enter key direction Up, Down, Left, Right in Excel spreadsheet or workbook manually.Every time when we press Enter key on the computer keyboard in Microsoft Excel, the cursor move downwards in the cells. So, Can we change the Enter key behavior / behaviour in Excell?  Suppose every time when you press Enter in MS...

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


VLOOKUP / EXCELL VLOOKUP / VLOOKUP FUNCTION / EXCEL VLOOKUP FORMULA / HOW TO USE VLOOKUP IN EXCEL SPREADSHEET? / VLOOKUP EXAMPLE 2007/ VLOOKUP FUNCTION EXAMPLE / VLOOKUP FORMULA EXAMPLE / EXAMPLES OF VLOOKUP / VLOOKUP DESCRIPTION WITH EXAMPLE.Here we are going to discuss the most important and most useful function / formula of MS Excel i.e VLOOKUP. About every person who works on MS Excel, use VLOOKUP as VLOOKUP is a very useful and powerful function...

Friday, 23 May 2014

Flag Duplicate Values Automatically / Find Duplicate Values Automatically

Automatically Flag Duplicate Values On Input / Know Duplicate Values Automatically while Inputing Value / Find Duplicate Values Automatically in ExcelSometimes you may be a requirement of preventing duplicates values from being entered in a range of cells in excel worksheet. Enabling this capability in Excel is not tough.Here is how we can automatically flag duplicate values while inputing values in a specific range of cells in your excel worksheet....

How to AutoFill values when adjacen column contains Blanks

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable...

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

How to select & delete blank cells in between data in Excel

Select and Delete blank cells in between data in Excel. How to select blank cells to delete in between the data within a worksheet in Excel? Sometimes we have a large data with some blank values and we need to delete all these blank rows or columns from the worksheet in Excel and it's not so simple to delete the blank rows and column by selecting one by one. If we have records in lacs then it might take a whole day or more or you can get frustrate...

Delete ALT+ENTER / Line Breaks in Excel

How to insert next line in a cell in excel, Insert line break in excel, Remove ALT+ENTER Special character, Delete ALT+ENTERed symbol, Remove line break, Easiest way to delete ALT+ENTER / line breaks or Special Character (CHAR(10).Sometimes you need to insert a next line in a cell in Excel, but when you press Enter, it moves into  the next cell so what should we do to insert a line break / new line in a cell in MS Excel. To insert a new line...

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Trick to Sort / Order Dates By Month And Day (Ignoring Year).

How to sort dates data by month and day / Sort dates by month and day / Ignoring year sort dates by months & dates, Trick to Order by or Sort Dates by Month And Day.Sometimes you need to sort dates by month and day while ignoring the year, such as grouping anniversary dates (e.g Employees, Clients, Birthdays etc....).When you will sort dates in a column they will be sorted by year, by default. If there will dates from multiple years and you want...

Friday, 16 May 2014

Hiding A Cell's Contents / Simple Tricks For Hiding a Data of a Cell / Hide Data in Excel/ Protect Sheet/ Worksheet in Excel

Hiding A Cell's Contents / Simple Tricks For Hiding a Data of a Cell / Hide Data in Excel/ How to hide data cells from printing in Excel?, Protect Sheet / Spreadsheet in Excel.In Excel sometimes we want to hide data or content of cells. Suppose you have some data / value in your excel spreadshet but you do not want to be displayed or printed, then what you will do for this, perhaps you will store these values / data in some far corner of the worksheet,...

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

CTRL+.(Dot) Excel Shortcut Key / Know the last or first cell of the selected or filled data in Excel.

How to know the last cell of selected or filled data / CTRL+.(Dot) Key Shortcut Excel / Know the range of filled data or selected data in Excel with Example.MS Excel is a very big and useful software which use in almost every company or firm. Those people who do work on excel, they select data or fill data many times in a day or in their work period either it is vertical or horizontal or a set of rows and columns, everyone use shortcuts to select...

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Trace Formula In Excel/ Audit Formulas in Excel

Auditing Formula in Excel/ Trace Formula in Excel/ Know dependency of cell on other cells in Excel/ Display the relationships between formulas and cells.When you are working with a worksheet that has a lot of formulas and  there is a concern sometimes is that what will happen to a lot of formulas if we change a cell or cell value. For example in Cell B2 has the value 9 and C8 has the formula that contains the cell B2 or it's value.If we change...

Friday, 9 May 2014

Format Multiple Cells at Once/ Format Painter Multiple Cells Excel

Copy format into multiple cells with Format Painter/ How to Format Multiple Cells at Once/ Apply format of a cell into multiple cells with Format Painter.Format Painter is a very useful tool, if you want to copy a format of a cell and want to apply it on another cell, go to the formated cell and click on Format Painter tool which you will find on Home tab just below the copy button. Now click wherever you want to apply or paste that format.Format...

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Pivot Table Excel

Pivot Table:(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Pivot Table is one of the most powerful tools of excel. Infact, justice to pivot tables cannot be done by using more words however, it is one of "the more you sink yourself, the more you challenge yourself" kind of a tool.It is a tool which helps a user in analyzing and summarizing data and presenting it in a customized way. The USP (Unique Selling Point) of Pivot tables is that one can select a considerable data from huge data sets in performing various activities like (business) analytics,...

Hlookup Function/ Hlookup Formula with Example

Hlookup Formula with example:An advice - if one asserts to be an excel user and is sincere in his claims, then you just can't get without saying - "i don't know the lookup family in excel".Vlookup and hlookup are the lynchpins of matching data. The alphabets "v" and "h" stand for vertical (lookup) and horizontal (lookup) respectively.Talking about hlookup in this section, its use is less when compared to vlookup since data sets have columns arranged...

Offset Function/ Offset Formula Excel

Offset:(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If the hlookup and vlookup belong to one family then one can say Match and Offset belong to the other one.Offset is a pretty simple formula to be used in excel. However, as a suggestion from my end, one needs to use it in small data workbooks else, it becomes pretty tricky.The syntax and its description is given below -Offset(reference, rows, cols, [height], [width]) where,(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); reference - is a (output) cell or a range of adjacent cells from...

Index Function/ Index Formul Excel

Index: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One propensitates towards complacency after learning the lookups, match, Sumif, Countif etc. because all these are day to day functions and one feels good about himself especially after he/she is tending towards being a rising star in the eyes of his reporting boss.However, to get the respect which the "Halley's comet" gets, one needs to think out-of-the-box kinds so that he/she can also become like the force of attraction despite the sky being filled with beautiful stars.To achieve that...

If Function/ If Formula Excel

If:"Ifs" and "Buts" only call the satan and by using If, you can think of all satanically conditional work that can be done in excel.It is simple and easy to use and the output is all the more pleasing. So let me hurry up with the syntax - if(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) where,logical_test - which is nothing but the condition(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); [value_if_true] - is optional and returns the decided value when the condition is met[value_if_false]  - is optional and returns the decided value...

Match Function/ Match Formula Excel

Match:Supposedly one is in a real hurry ( i think this needs not to be "supposed" as we have already been made to swallow that time = money), one needs to find the relative position of specific item in a speific range in excel.In such cases, Match comes into play which is pretty self - explanatory and easy to understand.The syntax and its description is given below -(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Match(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]) where,lookup_value - is the specific item one is looking forlookup_array - the specific...

Sunday, 4 May 2014

How to find duplicate words or value in a cell in excel with example.

How to find duplicate words in a cell in excel with example?To find a duplicate value or word in a cell in excel we can use IF function with SUBSTITUTE function. Now suppose a data contains addresses and we want to know either that data contains duplicate word in a cell or not, so we will use IF with SUBSTITUTE.We have a file which contain some data of State, City and Addresses.We wants to find is there any duplicate city name exist in address column...